Find how to force quit mac in detail

As most of the people were searching out about how to force quit mac, as they are facing some issues, here we got a lot of detailed analysis on how to make it possible for force quit on mac, we got find that most of the people who are using mac were facing this issue and some of the other guys are not facing, just find easy to learn about how to deal with issues like when the application got freeze on the mac that is on your system, then how to deal with it and how to make the application run with ease is analyzed and we are giving you all the clear report of analysis on the issue about how to deal with standard application that freeze due to mac, and to solve how to force quit on mac, we got to get the window of to quit by force, and here we got those keyboard shortcuts by using command> option> escape, is the process that is followed up here to resolve the issue, but this process is not finding option to apply on the applications on the menu bar, so we got to go with an easy way to deal with it by following some simple steps on how to force quit on mac.
Force quit on mac for apps on the menu bar
As most of the users who got the issue of menu bar apps got frozen is asking about how to force quit mac, so we are making all the step to step detailed process on the smart ways to force quit mac
Step 1:Initially we need to go by opening the activity to monitor in your mac, so this can be simple by just going into the applications and we will find utilities or use spotlight.
Step 2: Now we can go for finding the issue that raised up here by the manual process by searching through finding the menu bar application that got a freeze on your mac, this can so simple by finding the option that is available on the top right corner, this can make the searching quick to force quit on Mac.
Step 3: After finding the application that is found to got up frozen on your mac, then just give a trial using the hexagon symbol to click on it that is available on the upper left corner manually to force quit on Mac.
Step 4: As this is the menu bar application that caught up frozen can be hit through force quit here, so instead of this we can make easy to find more details by hitting the button of info that is found beside the quitting button, now we can make this application to re-launch on to the menu and can open it.
So this is the process to force quit mac while the menu bars apps freeze and to make them so easy we got to go with some simple procedure mentioned above to make them work about how to force quit mac.