Creating a Storyboard: Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

In the past, story boards were used exclusively in the movie and TV industry. As the years passed, more and more industries realized the importance and usefulness of this tool. You can now use a story board to create various scenarios and picture how a customer will use your product or act.
But until you use one, you have to create it. Worry not, this guide will take you through the entire process. So if you want to know how to build a story board from scratch, just keep reading this article!
What Is a Story Board?
A story board is a string of pictures that are used to illustrate a story. In the past, a story board was used by both designers and animators in the movie and TV industry. They created and illustrated scenes for their shows, video games or movies.
However, more and more businesses are adopting the story board. Why? Because they’re excellent tools in creating and predicting user experiences. When you use a story board, you’ll be able to better align your team and even pitch an idea to new customers.
So how do you build one? Just follow these easy steps!
Step #1: Choose Your Medium
There are two ways in which you can create a story board – the classic pen and paper or online. If you like the traditional route, you can grab a pen and paper and start drawing. But if you want some more features and functionality, you should always look for an online option.
Of course, both mediums have their advantages and disadvantages. A piece of paper can be found anywhere and doesn’t require a computer. However, it’s not easy to make edits. You also can’t move the frames around and you can’t really collaborate on it. So naturally, we recommend using an online software.
Step #2: Get to Drawing
No, you don’t need artistic skills to draw a story board. All you need is imagination and a plan. So start sketching out your plan or scenario without bothering to add fancy effects or any deeper level of detail. This process is known as “scamping” and it’s fine if it’s messy and raw.
At this stage, the story board should be just enough to help you make some sense of the idea you’re trying to illustrate. When you’re scamping, keep in mind the following:
- Keep it simple. At this stage, it’s normal for the sketches to look rough. For now, they’re just for your eyes to see.
- Keep it going. If parts of your plan, movie or idea feel slow and complicated, you can always go back and edit those. Don’t dwell on it too much at this stage.
- Keep it logical. Even though it’s a rough sketch, you should always pay attention if your ideas make sense. And not only by themselves but when connected to each other as well.
Step #3: Edit Your Story Board
After you’re done creating, it’s time to edit. This is the stage when you should pay more attention to details and fix any inconsistencies in the flow. Make sure your ideas flow smoothly into each other and that they create a story that’s easy to follow.
If you’re using a story board software, this is the perfect time to bring your team into the process. During the editing stage, they might notice things you haven’t. Or they might even come up with new ideas to improve the process.
And that’s it – creating a story board is incredibly easy. In just three steps, you get an extremely powerful tool that could help you take your business to a whole new level. How so? Well, here are some well-known benefits of a story board:
- Time-saving. While a complete story board might take some time to complete, it will actually save you a lot of time in executing the idea. So when the time comes for your team to actually implement the concept, they will know exactly what they have to do and what to avoid.
- Easy planning. Did you know you can use a story board to plan and manage a budget? That’s right – story boards are that versatile. Developing an app, for example, entails a lot of back and forth between you and your client. If you don’t have a proper diagram, this could negatively affect both the cost and timing of the project.
- Better visualization. No matter what type of business you have, a story board will help you lay down your idea on paper and better visualize the entire process. It will also make it easier for you to get feedback and suggestions from your colleagues.
Our Final Thoughts
Now that you know how to create a story board (and what amazing benefits it brings), you can start using this tool no matter the nature of your business. It offers incredible visualization power, no matter what your idea is. And when both you and your client have a better image of the concept, the entire working process will go smoothly.
And don’t let yourself get fooled by the first impressions – storyboarding isn’t the slow and tedious process it used to be. That’s because nowadays you have plenty of online tools to help streamline the process so you can create the most beautiful and complex story boards you need.
What do you think? Will you integrate story boards in your workflow from now on? If you already have, do you have any suggestions for first-timers? Leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments below. We’d love to hear them!