Why Is ISO 27001 Important For Small Businesses?

The subject of information security is of paramount importance considering we live in an age of digitalization. While going online is like a mantra, everything from financial data to personal information of the most sensitive kind is on a computer. While going the digital way may be the only possible way for companies to have an edge in the industry, there is also the risk of information being leaked and breached. As many ways as there are of securing information, there are as many to hack systems and steal data. This is why information security is a big thing and standards of compliance like the ISO 27001 certification exist.
What is ISO 27001 certification?
SMEs, that is small and large firms, play a crucial role in the shaping of any industry. They boost the economy as they are vital for the creation of employment. Additionally, they are responsible for leading innovation in terms of services and products they offer. The compliance standard for protection of any company information is called the ISO 27001. Commonly, it is associated with companies of a large magnitude, but as a set of rules determining the protection of data, smaller companies can adapt to it too.
In simple terms, ISO 27001 is a framework of processes and policies that helps firms to manage their information security. This is a standard dealing with the security of data, and outlines certain principles and regulations that companies must follow to be security compliant. Once a company follows the ISO standard, agreeing to ISO 27001 requirements, it has to review the rules at frequent periods and update any if required.
Small Businesses and Compliance
Today, every firm wants to grow, however small or large it starts out. Small businesses mean big business, and they are more prey to cyberattacks due to their minimal resources. The reasons that small businesses need security protocols in place range from their lack of exposure and knowledge to not knowing how to implement compliance. The standard of ISO 27001 means that small businesses have a convenient and effortless way to fulfil key requirements of running a business with information protection in place. Here are the requirements:
- The rules of the standard of compliance pertain to audits that must be carried out by any small business. External and internal audits can go a long way in validating any firm’s compliance with the compliance standard.
- When documents are in order, then the standard of compliance certification may be obtained and executed. This makes small businesses, not just safe, but also puts them up there on the map in their industries.
- Small companies can start implementing the best policies and practices of security compliance as soon as they get armed with ISO 27001 certification. This gets small businesses to be protected early on in their operations, and prevents any form of cybercrime. While carrying out regular checks and balances in compliance in small firms, businesses can run “ethical hacking” tests to evaluate whether their systems are vulnerable or robust.
How Small Businesses Benefit from ISO 27001
By now you have probably understood how any businesses can benefit from ISO 27001. Here is how, in particular, small businesses have advantages when they adopt ISO 27001:
Enhancing Credibility
On a global scale, the recognition of a company that adopts ISO 27001 is highly commendable. Such companies, although small, may garner confidence and gain a good reputation in the industry.
Export Market Entry
The standards of security vary among regions. It can be a challenge for small companies to find their footing where security compliance is concerned. With a standardized system, small businesses attain more clarity in the sphere of data protection and this makes them internationally compatible. In turn, they gain access to export markets easily.
A Competitive Edge
ISO 27001 certification permits a small business to display its standing and credibility in the industry. As a result of this, other businesses take it seriously and customers/suppliers view it as a strong business contender. This will help a small business to grow larger in time. In case you want to grow your business from the ground up, Sprinto can provide you with automated compliance services. You get a strong foundation, and you are ensured of success in the future with Sprinto’s help.
Regulate Your Business
If you sign up for ISO 27001, you get a load of benefits. Any small business aims at growing larger, and one of the ways to do this is to make your business compliant. Compliance has the perks of streamlining your services, ensuring protection from fraudulent activity and builds confidence. If you want your business to have a name in the industry, customers, employers, staff and industry professionals should see you as an efficient player in the market.